Saturday, July 19, 2008

Brillante Weblog and Inspired Blog Awards

Cocoa has just received two awards! The Inspired Blog Award and the Brillante Weblog Premio are given from fellow bloggers who feel that certain blogs are inspiring, refreshing, and all around wonderful. Ashley Lorelle over at Luscious Letters has passed on these wonderful little awards to Cocoa, so now it's my turn to send them out to others!

The rules are:
1. When received, you may post the awards to your blog
2. Link to the blogger you received it from
3. Return the favor and give the awards to 7 blogs
4. Link to those 7 blogs
5. Leave those 7 bloggers a comment about receiving the brilliant premio!

Much like the lovely Ashely Lorelle, I don't actually read seven blogs so instead I'll follow in her footsteps and send these out to the three spectacular blogs that I frequent most often...

Run by the stunning Miss Rie, Leaving Shangri-L.A. is every bibliophile's dream! Filled with magnificent reviews, insider recommendations and little nibbles of life in the big city, Rie delivers a sweetly original commentary by answering the question, "What do I read after Weetzie Bat?"

Casey-Scott is the coolest honey in the blogosphere - hands down. A quirky theatre student, Sir Casey's little piece of the internet is like a sizzling explosion of fabulousness, swing-dancing with readers on topics such as adorable cupcakes and stunning new theatre shows. Keep your eye on him because I'm sure one day he'll be legendary!

Although I've never had the honor of formally meeting Miss Lala, her website is a gold-mine for thrifting enthusiasts and fans of grade-A  kitsch! Her neon-colored blog sports everything lovely, from classic party guides to magnifique movie reviews that will send any reader on a groovy trip!

Thank you so much, bunnies, and I hope you three can keep on spreading the love!

Penelope ♥

1 comment:

Rie Selavy said...

Thank you so much, Penelope! I'm truly honored--my first blogging award.